Wednesday, July 8, 2009

day 57... upriver to cambodia

boats, boats, and more boats
even the houses are boats
such is life in the floating village
where baths, dishes, and laundry are all done
on your doorstep
and dinner is caught under your floorboards
heck some people never leave for land
while others go only to sell their goods
meanwhile we make pace for cambodia

and all our friends come out to wish us farewell.
goodbye vietnam
hello cambodia.
please enter customs afloat
after LOTS of paperwork we're shuffled off to passport control
where passports are CAREFULLY scanned by 5 men with a playstation2.
fingerprints and retinal scans be damned
3 rubber stamps down
and 6 more hours to go
yet the monotony could not bring down our chain smoking captain

international ferry stop... somewhere in cambodia

day 56... sifting through the mekong delta

boat bound
for our tour of the life aquatic

where candy shops float
rice is steamed
and fried.
here black sand is used to make it pop like rice crispies
after which the (heavy) sand is sifted out and the rice is made into treats.
very yum indeed
back on the river more rice heads downstream
while we break for lunch
tummies full, we head upstream towards cambodia

and reach chau doc for one last night in vietnam

Sunday, July 5, 2009

day 55.. entering the cu chi tunnels

with trepidation we enter the cu chi tunnels
an elaborate set of tunnels dug(by hand) near saigon to aid the north's war effort.
from here south vietnamese communist rebels launched attacks on US bases
above ground traps were camouflaged amongst the leaves for defensive measures
in attempt to remove these threats, US bombers turned cu chi into a moon scape
at 1m x .75m, some tunnels still remain... we toured a very dark and clausterphobic 150m portion as our backs couldn't take much more